Thursday, August 11, 2011

Per favore, puoi aiutarmi con i bagagli?

So here I am, ten days away from saying sayonara to the good 'ole U.S. of A.  Considering it's been almost two weeks since my last post, I'm sure you're thinking that I must have made SOME progress on packing, right?  Wrong.  As I mentioned before, I'm a chronic over-packer (and apparently a packing procrastinator!).  Although I've taken a stab at packing lightly in recent years, my many attempts to break myself of this inconveniencing habit have, unfortunately, been to no avail.  Once again, I'm finding myself desperately wishing for Mary Poppins' bottomless carpet bag as I glance between my definitively sized suitcase and ever growing pile of clothes and shoes.

However, for every half-empty, there's a much larger half-full!  Aside from the lingering empty-suitcase issue, my to-do list has whittled down to almost nothing, my tuition check is written, my textbooks have arrived, and I've seen my girls for one last summer hurrah before we all scatter across the globe for a few months.  With a mere four days left of work for the summer, the reality that my semester abroad is just around the corner is hitting me like a brick wall (but this is one brick wall I'm more than happy to run into!). Get at me, Europe!

I would like to wrap up this post with a relatively generic quote I've come across a million times (I'm willing to bet you have too!) that I find especially fitting right now:

"When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money.  Then take half the clothes and twice the money."  -Susan Heller

Wish me luck!  Ciao! 

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