Saturday, September 3, 2011

Roma, Roma, Roma!

Let me start by saying that Rome is the best city I've been to.  In my life.  I love absolutely everything about it:  the people, the food, the crazy drivers (click on this link for a very accurate description:, the parks, the history, the gelato, the cobblestone streets, the pigeons (yes, the pigeons), and literally everything else I've encountered here.  What makes it even more amazing is that I get to experience all of it with a fabulous group of Bennies and Johnnies!  I don't think our group could be any better if the pope picked it.

Unfortunately, I've been having internet problems since I've been here (thus the lack of posts), so I'll post later about the rest of the wonderful mom/daughter pre-travel trip and the beginning of my Rome adventures!  In the meantime, here are a few pictures from the last week:

The altar in Saint Peter's Basilica.

The best pizza I've had in my life!!

My WONDERFUL roommates (missing Shannon!)

The view from our apartment balcony--absolutely beautiful!

The boys and the roomies journaling on our terrace.

Enjoying a mini-merlot on our terrace.

The Church of Saint Agnes and the obelisk from Bernini's Four Rivers Fountain in Piazza Navona.

My beautiful roommate Maggie and me getting our shop on near the city center.

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